What our nurse say about their adventures

“Mildura is very accessible because it has an airport that has flights to Melbourne, busses that are on time, and also a taxi service that is really good. Weather is nice if you hate rain.
If you are a foodie, Mildura can offer you a lot of options. From Asian influence takeaways to Italian restaurants, the choice is varied. Notable mentions are Big Lizzy Pizza and 48 flavours of gelato.”
– RN Viktor
What our nurse say about facilities

“The DON has been excellent. She has been very supportive. Majority of the staff have been great to work with too.”
– Affinity RN at Malle Track Health
What our nurse say about facilities

“I have worked in A&E during my stint in Mildura, and all I could say is the staff are warm and welcoming, they have good team work, and I always feel that I was part of the team from the get go.
If given the chance I’l be happy to return and work with them again.”
– RN Viktor, Mildura
What our nurse say about their adventures

“My placement grew into 18 months of being part of an incredible family. From the ICU team to each and every member of the staff, Wimmera Base Hospital has become my second home.
I have been fortunate, together with my husband Kevin, to fit in a lot of hiking, races, camping and sightseeing. Horsham is a big country town with a great feel and a lot of heart. It’s a community that works, plays and sticks together.”
– RN Merle, Wimmera Base Hospital, Horsham
What our nurse say about facilities

“Staff have been friendly, helpful and supportive. The orientation was good as an orientation pack was provided and I was buddied with a regular permanent Rn for my first shift, whom orientated me to the campus.”
– Affinity RN in Manangatang