Everyone is feeling the pressure during the coronavirus pandemic, especially our front-line health care workers. At Affinity we pride ourselves on the support we provide to our travel nurses and would like to offer these suggestions on how to manage your mental health during the COVID-19 crisis.

Ensure you are receiving enough rest and recovery during work or between shifts, eat sufficiently ensuring this is healthy and nutrient dense and engage in physical activity. With numerous online platforms and personalities offering advice and tutorials to follow, there is something to suit everyone. We have included a couple of suggestions below for inspiration!
- YMCA 360– Free health and fitness videos including yoga, boot camp, kids activities and much more
- Stonesoup blog– focuses on making healthy meals as quickly as possible without sacrificing flavour. You can also follow her on Instagram @jules_stonesoup

Coping Strategies
It is ok to prioritise yourself. You spend hours at a time thinking of and taking care of others, so ensure you take some ‘me time’. This looks different to everybody! Maybe for you connecting with family and friends helps calm your busy brain, or maybe you like to meditate, cook a meal, draw, colour in, or take a bath or long hot shower. Whatever it looks like to you, don’t feel guilty for putting yourself first for at least 30 minutes a day.
Don’t Listen to Social Media
Social media is not the news and can only increase your anxiety and fear during this stressful time. By all means, stay connected with family and friends via Facebook or Instagram, but make sure you are getting the facts from reputable sources. Either from health care professionals or government representatives. The meme Shazza shared last night isn’t guaranteed to be true, accurate or even helpful!

Ask for help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to your supervisor or even your Affinity placement consultant. You are only human and it is ok to say “I’m not ok”. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone you know, there are free options to speak with:
- Beyond Blue has a dedicated Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service, contactable via 1800 512 348
- Lifeline can be contacted by:
Phone 131 11 14
Text 0477 131 114
Chat online www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat
We hope these tips can assist you in how to manage your mental health during COVID-19.
And remember, this is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
If you would like to learn more about how Affinity Nursing Recruitment can support you, register today and someone in our team will get in contact.