Christmas has always been a great time to relax, reflect and help those not as fortunate. Agency work ticks all those boxes and more. Why not make it your focus this festive season?

Increased Demand
Affinity has specialised in regional, rural and remote work for two decades. As such, we have intimate knowledge about demand peaks and troughs. Our rural and remote partners often struggle to fill vacancies over summer with nurses electing to have this time off. So, there is plentiful demand which means greater options for you.
We often find some really great locations become available at Christmas time that don’t normally pop up through the year. So working Christmas may be the best chance to get to that wish list location that has always just been out of reach!

Kickstart your Savings
With great demand comes great pay. Agency work is commonly associated with a happy bank account, so why not capitalise on the potential to work all those public holidays? Normally the holiday season empties your wallet – but agency is a great way to get ahead on those saving goals!

The beautiful Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, from our RN Jenna while on contract with us during 2020.

Escape Isolation & Travel Restrictions
A year ago, this wouldn’t have made news. This wouldn’t have even been conceived as a topic for discussion. Now though, border updates are on everyone’s lips. Finally, we seem to be on the cusp of less restrictive travel, which means you can be paid to visit new destinations across Australia. Something which a lot of us haven’t been able to do this year due to lockdowns and shut borders.
Have a domestic working holiday on us!

Enjoy the Jolly Season Surrounded by New Friends
I guess it was the whole lockdown isolation period, but summer & the holiday season couldn’t have come sooner. Border restrictions are easing, demand is promising, and we are excited to help you find that dream destination where you can be surrounded by likeminded people!
If your annual family Christmas plans have been cancelled due to travel restrictions we can help you make new friends to bring the new year in with.