All you need to know about

travel nursing & midwifery

All you need to know about travel nursing & midwifery

Get to know Affinity Nurses and their experiences on contract, explore Australia by checking out our travel posts, or learn tips and tricks for how to achieve the most success doing agency work.

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Career, Tips and Tricks

Travel Nursing Market Update for Q2 2025

Get ahead with travel nursing market tips from Affinity detailing what to look out for between April and June, 2025.
Career, Tips and Tricks

The Top Travel Nursing Tips for 2025

Ready to lock-in for 2025? 🚀 Our expert team is here with travel nursing tips to help you secure the best contracts this year.
Career, Meet our nurses, Travel

Meet RN Kylie – Living the travel nurse experience

What do you do when you have over 30 years of experience in the nursing industry? You put your skills to work in some of Australia's most beautiful locations, while
Career, Meet our nurses

Nursing burnout? Try food and travel – Meet RN Arnez

Arnez had nursing burnout from her job in NZ. Her solution? Travel nursing with Affinity in Australia and indulging in a bit of foodie love.
Career, Tips and Tricks

Travel Nursing Market Update for Q1 2025

Get ahead with travel nursing market tips from Affinity detailing January to March, 2025.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Shafia (again!) – Revisiting Her Journey After 5 Years

We spotlighted Shafia all the way back in 2019. What has she been up to since then, and how has her travel nursing journey progressed?

The Most Surprising Nursing Locations in 2024

Curious to know what were the most surprising locations in 2024 for Australian nurses and midwives? We asked our consultants for their picks.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Caitlyn – Eight Contracts, Twelve Months, Unlimited Adventure

Eight travel nursing contracts in the last twelve months is no easy task, so what was it that compelled RN Caitlyn to cross the ditch?
Im permanent can i do agency work | woman at computer | affinity nursing
Career, Tips and Tricks

Contract nursing while permanent in Australia – can I do it?

Having a sense of stability is more important than ever to so many nurses and midwives. Have you had the itch to travel, but pushed those plans aside due to
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Tony – Mountains at your doorstep

What keeps RN Tony coming back to Tasmania? It's being in his element, but having a mountain at your doorstep helps too.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RM Heather – Rocks, Rockets, and Road trips

When entering the health industry, did you ever think that one day you'd see a live space launch? This is the reality for RM Heather, who was also lucky enough
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Jac – Half a million kilometers on wheels around Australia

For RN Jac, life is about having a taste for adventure, a sense of humour, and a caravan! That's how travel nursing with Affinity got her clocking up the klicks

The best rural hot springs to visit as a travel nurse or midwife in winter

Starry skies, limitless views, and loads of health benefits! Why a visit to a rural hot spring should be on your travel agenda this winter.
Nures sitting at a table with food celebrating her birthday
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Anna – 30 Contracts, Countless Stories

The Affinity travel nurse lifestyle gives RN Anna the chance to see and do 2 key things she loves the most - travelling and hiking.
Other resources, Tips and Tricks

Why should you have travel insurance as an agency nurse or midwife?

Lost your bags during your flight, or encountered a medical emergency? Here's why travel insurance as an agency nurse is crucial.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Michelle – Having a croc at it in the Northern Territory

Kick up red dirt in the Northern Territory with travel nursing. Here's why RN Michelle loves making her way here to care for patients.
Other resources, Tips and Tricks

Quick and easy meals for travel nurses and midwives

Unsure what to whip up during your agency contract, or have limited access to cooking utilities? Satiate your hunger with these easy recipes!
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Mary – Gaining confidence through lifelong learning

Agency nursing has allowed RN Mary to fulfil her traveling lifestyle, and has given her the confidence to provide exceptional care.

5 steps to becoming and navigating your career as a travel nurse

Learn about how to become or navigate your career as a travel nurse through these 5 steps!
Woman resting by tree with book in lap, smiling
Tips and Tricks

6 must-read books for the travel nursing bookworm

Affinity nurses share their top books all travel nurses should read and are guaranteed to love.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet CN Alison – Nursing since 1980

With a generation's worth of nursing experience, read about CN Alison's story and her journey to a senior travel nurse.

The Rural Route – Treasures you’ll discover on a rural nursing placement

Rural agency nurses are always in high demand. Discover the treasures and benefits you can uncover by tackling a rural placement today.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RAN Jackie – Her journey in the APY lands

RAN Jackie exploring rural health care in the Northern Territory and making her way from Multipurpose Health Services (MPS) to remote clinics.
woman sitting on floor performing an arm stretch with a laptop in front of her
Tips and Tricks

Yoga tips for travel nurses, from a yoga expert

Whether winding down from a night shift or starting your day bright and early, turn on some relaxing music and find an exercise for you here.
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Ruth – The perks of life outside your comfort zone

Since going back to travel nursing, RN Ruth has had the opportunity to make more time for life, one becoming an Aunty twice!
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Ali – The ED travel nurse expanding her skillset in remote Queensland

Having completed 28 travel nursing contracts in sunny Queensland, see what RN Ali has to say about the flexible lifestyle of an agency nurse!
Career, Meet our nurses

Meet RN Jodie – The NZ RN transitioning into remote area nursing in Australia

What has made RN Jodie, a NZ ED nurse, enjoy the transition into RAN and supporting the most remote communities in Australia?
Meet our nurses, Travel

Meet RN Di – The ED travel nurse with a generation of experience

With a whole generation’s worth of experience under her belt, ED RN Di has no shortage of stories to tell or pictures to share!
Lady at deskptop - how long does it take to secure a nursing job

How long does it take to secure an agency nursing job?

This is essentially a simple, yet complex question, so read on…
20 Year Celebration

20 Years of Great Nurses

We are so proud to have helped so many people kick some pretty amazing professional and life goals, with so much fun along the way.