Preparing your vehicle to head to and from your travel nursing contract will avoid unnecessary delays, and unexpected repair bills.
Author Archives: Editorial Team
RN Kirstin crossed the ditch from New Zealand after raising a family, and is now taking advantage of the full flexibility of a travel nurse!
Yes, you’ve heard the news – you can now start a South Australia adventure with Affinity! Yorke Peninsula is one of the top locations to add on your list.
Here’s how RN Belinda has made the most of her time on the road after starting travel nursing 5 years ago.
As a nurse, the demands of your job may cause you to put your personal needs, including financial planning, on the back burner.
He’s the well-traveled nurse of WA, completing contracts in just about every inland location you can think of.
We recently asked our nurses what the best apps are for travel nursing. Here are the ones worth taking up space on your phone for your next trip out of town!
Whatever is on your bucket list, RN/RM Annie has been there! This is what agency life has been like for her.
From cafes incorporating indigenous culture, the freshest seafood in little markets, to authentic Italian food, no matter what mood you’re in, we have an option for everyone. Check out our top recommendations!
Many great things exist on Tasmania, like King Island. Let RN Jo show you the opportunities that exist for a nurse, clinically and socially.